Future action plan validated by consortium of FMC’s, AGSBR representatives, Community Users and SBR
After municipalities updated their representatives in the Alliance for the Green Shouf Biosphere Reserve (AGSBR) and the Forest Management Committees (FMC’s), a consortium of FMC’s, AGSBR, community users and SBR authority for forest management and conservation met on August 29th 2017, in the reserve’s park house.
The consortium validated the future action plan in collaboration with the Lebanese Reforestation Initiative which is funded by USAID.
The plan constitutes a group of workshops that are prepared to build the capacities of FMC’s and increase the integration between municipalities and SBR. The workshops will focus on forest management, biomass management, and protection from forest fires, creating nurseries for seedlings of plants with high economic value, awareness about hunting (new law implemented), encouraging joint activities and train local guides.